Friday 3 May 2013

music magazine in shops


Things that make a succesfull music magazine are powerful story, a compelling image and a benefit spelled out for the reader.fonts, cover lines, images and use of white space. a snappy main story cover line, with powerful typography, that sparks curiosity descriptive words to grab the reader.on’t let the cover get so crowded with text that nothing stands out. Do not put busy backgrounds, lots of people, or complicated images on the cover. music magazine genres there are only usually a few magazines on show in shops let alone genres, the main genres they have are Rock and Pop as they are the most popular type of music. it is important to see music magasines in shops as they promote music artists and are the main reason aritsts get radio plays, music videos shown and exposure to the world. The magazines are on the middle shelf at eye view so its right in front of you when you walk in, it is next to the magazines about cars and motorbikes which could suggest music magazines are more popular to males. The rock magazine stood out because it was mainly black and the other magazines were in colour. the institution that owns kerrang and Q are bauer media group, which is a huge successful group owning many famous magazine brands. Looking at music magazines in shops helped what my magazine will look like because it showed me what colors stand out against other magazines e.g. black white and red stood out against the other colors pink, yellow and blue. The fonts that stand out are bold and simple compared to other fonts that are hard to read and swirly.

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