Sunday 12 May 2013

double page spread research


by researching into music magazine double page spreads helped me how to write mine i look at the different layouts, fonts and language they use. i noticed that alot of double page spreads keep the image/images on one page only and keep the story on the other page for a more professional look, as they keep . they all have a strap line or a small bit of writing before the story summerising what the story is about. they usually include a quote by the artist that make it stand out and get people to read it. depending on the type of magazine; informal, formal or the genre of it debates what type of writing the story is, most storys are wrote to inform the reader but have also wrote to persude the reader in to reading more.
for my magazine i have also chose to keep to the usual conventions of a double page spread i have used language to inform the reader but also used some quotes to draw the reader into reading more about the artist.

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