Sunday 12 May 2013

contents research

by looking at contents pages from other music magazines i realised what worked and what didnt i learnt that many of them keep the name/ logo of there magazine in the top left corner so it is the first thing the readers see. i also realised they only use 1 main image which is usually for the cover story or a exclusive interview for a double page spread, they do usually put another picture in for a feature story overall i realised they keep to a limited number of pictures to keep it professional and the fact there is only one page to put it on you wouldnt want it to be to crowded. i also learnt the date and website are usually at the top of the magazine so people can see it first as there eyes automatically look at the top of the page. music magazines also use subheadings for the contents page to make it clearer to the audience what is where and on what page number.
for my contents page i will use the conventions i have found in music magazines like Q and Vibe.

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