Sunday 12 May 2013

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Cassie is fresh on the scene and  has took the industry by storm, By the end of 2012, the 20-year-old had signed a reported multimillion-dollar contract with Def Jam. when Choice caught up with the london based singer she was traveling to L.A after touring all around Europe , she said she was just beginning to put together ideas for her major-label debut, which may or may not come out this year. we asked her what it was like being on her first ever tour she said " it was amazing the feeling of doing what i love everynight is a dream, but it does get tiring but the adreniline keeps me going, It's awesome whenever a crowd knows the lyrics to your songs, especially when they're already so hard for me remember sometimes (laughs). After "You and me" going to no.1 on the charts list she hasn't stopped, she has releases other chart topping songs such as "What Now" and "The Boys" ft Big Sean. We asked her what it was like working with the "finally famous" rapper and who she would like to work with in the future she said " Working with big sean was great, when i got the call i couldn't say yes fast enough he's a sick rapper and he's a really cool guy. If i could work with anyone it would have to be kanye west. i love that man. he's such a talented guy and a lyrical genius".  Growing up cassie always would listen to music and sing at home but never thought anything of it so we asked her when was it when she realized that she could start doing music seriously? she replied "my friends were the ones who told me that i should start doing it seriously, so we looked around and i started getting gigs in bars and clubs and uploading my songs on the internet and i got got noticed by DJ Khaled and he got me in the studio for the first time and everyone was really feeling my music which meant so much to me since i was just starting out". Cassies career has took off so fast we asked what is next for her after touring around Europe and releasing all these hits she must have something planned, she said "im starting to put things together for a album, i have wrote a few songs and have some people in mind to feature on them, im on the way to L.A to record and work on it, which should be real fun, you know i dont do this for any reason other than the fact i love music" we look forward to hearing more from Cassie and hopefully the album will come out this year. You can buy all of Cassies singles on Itunes which are all out now.

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