my media product represents a socail group of quite popular, adverage teenagers and young adults. The postures on both of the magazines are very simliar apart from p.diddy is more slouched which could show an attitude where as cassie is more up right but they both have there hands by there sides. both of there facial expressions are quite serious looking into the camera lenses even though both of there eyes are slighty coverd by sunglasses and hats which could shows there not giving everything away yet. there costumes are quite similar in some ways as they are both fashionable and popular, they are both wearing hats, quite baggy jackets apart from his is fur and cassies is denim. both backgrounds are using the same colour scheme(grey) but are both taken at different places cassies is outside where as diddy's is inside. the lighting is quite simialr and they are both in black and white. i think both magazines represent similar social groups which are teenagers and young adults who are quite laid back and casual i think that my magzine reflects this throughout. the person in my magazine looks very normal and is not to fancy and extreme with there appearence.
The media institution that would distribute my magazine would be IPC as it is the UK's largest media publishing company and publishes some of the biggest and most popular magazines. i would also choose them as they are a cross media platform company and they publish online which would be ideal for my target audience as they are young and young people are always usuing the internet on there moblies, laptops and tablets. i would also choose IPC as it publishes NME which is a huge, well known music magazine also as IPC are a huge company they would be able to get huge celebritys to feature in my magazine.
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