Tuesday 7 May 2013

double page and contents page analysis

I looked at a double page spread in Kerrang magazine. The color scheme is red, white and black. The background is black and the title is bold and in red and white to stand out to the reader. They have used more than one image which makes it more eye catching because there's more to look at.

i looked at a contents page of Q magazine. the colour scheme was red which matches the logo for Q and black and white. the layout is a coloumn of writing on the left and a huge picture of his face on the right which is the main attention of the page.the image is of james blunts face and he has no expression. they have made some of the text in bold.
i looked at a double page spread of NME magazine which is about lily allen the colour scheme is black and white but she is wearing a bright red top which stands out against the white background. lily takes up most of one of the pages which makes her the main attraction.  the title is a quote of hers that is in different size letters in a newspaper font which makes it more interesting and different. the title takes up most of the page and is even bigger then the picture to catch peoples eye and make them read it instead of just flick past it.

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