Monday 13 May 2013

evaluation part 1

front cover

mast head- my magazine name is choice i have put it in big bold white writing and a red background which is a popular thing to do in music magazines for mastheads because it is the convention that is suppost to stand out the most. 
image- there is only one image on the front of my magazine to show that cassie is the main focus the picture is a mid shot and she is looking right into the camera lens to draw people in also you can see her outfit which can attract girls if they are wearing something nice.  cover lines- the cover lines inform the reader what will be in choice magazine, the colour of the cover lines are in white bold font because they stand out against the darker background i have also done certain bits in red because it is more important and catches the readers eye as it is the only colour used. i used a font which wasn't very formal as it is a magazine for young adults teenagers it is also very bold which grabs attention.strap line- i have put the strap line at the bottom of my magazine so the top could focus on the name of the magazine, the strap line is is bold white writing with a red background i done it like this so it would stand out more because it is an "exclusive". colour: i only used 3 colours; black, white and red. this can make it more attractive to the reader as the red really stands out and can draw you in. i also only used 3 colour so it was easy on the eye and was still professional by not being to busy with alot of different colours going on.

barcode/website/dateline-i put the barcode at the bottom of the magazine as its less important, it has the price just above it and the website of the magazine i put the website next to the price because the price of the magazine is one of the main things people look at so whist people  see the price they will see the website. the date is also in the same place next to the price so people can see what issue it is.

main cover line/ quote-  the main cover line is "cassie" which is the celebritys name which is in a very bold font with a white background to stand out even more and show thats who is on the front cover. i also put a quote on the page to give the reader an insight of the story.

contents page

masthead/ heading- i have again put choice in the same place as it is on the front cover so its the first thing that stands out and they make sure they know what magazine they are reading, next to it i have put the heading contents so its the next thing that the readers will see.

date/ website- just under the heading i put the date and website i put it there so its closer to the top of the magazine as people first look at top of the page then make there way down.

subheadings/ describtion- i used subheadings for my magazine so its easyer for my audience to find what there looking for as they are young it is better for them instead of getting confussed. under the subheadings i had  smaller subheadings  that say whats on and what page its on i put these in red and bold so it catches there eye and they remember what page what they are looking for is on i also put descriptions underneath each small subheading to summurize and draw the readers in even more by putting rhetorial questions in to make them feel like they are being asked by choice, and also using words such as "free" which automaticaly attracts the reader as everyone likes the idea of not paying for something.

image/description- i used a picture that i took of the "celebrity" for my magazine and edited it to give a polaroid effect to bring a old effect in to a modern magazine.i also used a picture i took at a concert and also gave that a polaroid effect. i put a description beside each picture to give a short insight of the story, and have used word techniques such as "exclusive" which draws people in as it could be something they dont know about and they feel as if they are the first to find out.

double page spread

headline- i chose to put the celebritys name "cassie" in big writing as thats who the double page is about her. i put her name in funky bold writing which resembles her personality.

strap line- a brief description of what the story is about, i put it in italic and bold to stand out and get people to read it if they are flicking through the magazine.

Quotes- my are stole from the double page spread interview that will shock/ attract the reader and make them want to read more about what the celebrity is saying. i put them within the story so it stands out and looks quite professional.

Image- After editing the photos i took i used the polariod effect for both pictures as even though its very modern magazine it still gives a old effect and a down to earth feel for the artist.

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