Thursday 22 November 2012

school magazine

The best bits are the font and style of the text in eehs, also the main picture on the front page looks good because its really clear to see, the worst bits are the feature stories could have been set out better and more exiting as in the font and colors. if i done it again i would have set it out differently like more of a magazine e.g. feature stories on the side and some more color to it and bolder and exciting fonts. it has helped me think about creating my music magazine as i know more of how to lay it out and where to put the text and the type of font and color depends on what time of magazine your doing. i found it easy finding a good picture for the cover image and setting the images out i also found it easy finding the right type of font for the mast head. i found it hard trying to set out where the feature stories should be and what type of colours to use to make it stand out. I have used codes and conventions of a normal magazine such as a mast head, logo, date line, cover story, main image, feature storys with images and a barode which all makes the magazine look professional.
The best bits on the contents page is the way the pictures are set out and how the writing is set. the worst bits are probly the font and colors of it as they could be better and more exciting that really stand out an doesn't look boring. if i had to do it again i would of used more fonts then just the same one and changed the color of it and the background its on and i would of put a main background on instead of just plain white background. creating this magazine has helped me to think about making my music magazine as it helped me see what works and what doesn't work for the layout and what colors that don't go together. i found it easy getting the pictures and seeing a good way how to set them out i found it hard choosing the colors as you dont want it too look boring but it can look to tacky with a lot of colors. i have used codes and conventions of a normal magazine contents page such as the main heading (contents), images for the storys included in the magazine and page numbers with summarys of what is on each page.

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