Wednesday 12 September 2012

school magazine analysis

 the name of the magazine is the name of the school in white modern text which makes it stand out.
the image is of the head boy as they have a feature story written about him and how you can get to know him and the audience can interact with him on his blog and the other boys who are running for it.
it doesn't have a tag line or phrase.
they have written the feature stories in white and some bits in smaller blue writing but sometimes clashes with the background.
they haven't used rhetorical questions.
they haven't used a barcode.
they haven't used paper number references.
they haven't used smaller images for feature stories which makes it a bit boring and people dont get a as good idea of what there about. 

compare: chenders is more realistic and the other one

the magazine is called chenders which is the name of the school it is in red and in a  fun font. 
the image is of a girl smiling with her thumbs up which makes it look exiting.
it doesnt have a tagline or phrase.
the feature storys are in colour with a black outline which makes it stand out to the audience.
they used a rhetorical question "whats on the canteen menu this term?" which makes people want to know.
it doesnt have a barcode.
it has one page number reference to the main feature story.
it has smaller images for the main featue story which shows people around teh school and makes it look fun and makes the audeince want to look aroudn school.

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